Listen to the latest podcasts by Dr Sandra Cabot, her team of naturopaths and guests.

Many people with a fatty liver are unaware that they even have a liver problem, as the symptoms can be vague and non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a fatty liver feel generally unwell, and find they are becoming increasingly fatigued and overweight for no apparent reason. www.cabothealth.com.au www.liverdoctor.com
Do you suffer with persistent or frequent fatigue even though you have a good diet and lifestyle?
Do you wake up tired even though you’ve had a good sleep?
Has your doctor ordered tests which haven’t provided any answers?
You could have an issue with your mitochondria.
Dr Cabot sits down to discuss the importance of our mitochondria: the energy factories of our body. She mentions the specific test you can order to check your mitochondrial function, the risk factors for low energy, the symptoms you can expect, as well as diet and lifestyle changes to improve energy.
Visit Dr Cabot website to find out more about Dr Cabot (spoiler alert, she’s also a pilot!), to access her Weight Loss Detective Program, podcasts, videos, article and testimonials:
Visit Dr Cabot’s Australian website for the Cabot Health supplement range, books, health articles, recipes and free downloads:
Visit Dr Cabot’s US website for the Liver Doctor supplement range, books, health articles, recipes and free downloads: