I Am Truly A New Woman
I first came to see you in July of 2015 very overweight with underactive thyroid and hashimotos, as well as suffering through the menopausal symptoms of hot flushes every half hour, depression, hair loss and no libido.
I first came to see you in July of 2015 very overweight with underactive thyroid and hashimotos, as well as suffering through the menopausal symptoms of hot flushes every half hour, depression, hair loss and no libido.
Bioidentical Hormones Are Miraculous! Dear Dr Sandra For years I suffered from mood swings, night sweats, hot flushes and felt as feminine as a deep-sea fish! It was as if [...]
Bioidentical Hormones - Juanita Serrano's Story See Dr Sandra Cabot as she interviews Juanita Serrano who undertook a course of bioidentical hormones prescribed by Sandra to help alleviate her dreadful [...]
This testimonial has been a long time coming. I have suffered from severe menopause for 9 years, Dr Sandra Cabot, was my last resort and I mean, my last, I was on the verge of giving up, after spending thousands of dollars on all types of alternatives. To cut a long story short, I saw Dr Cabot back in March, after 21 days of taking the suggested medicines, I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!