Explore the Benefits of using Dr Cabot’s Ultimate Muscle Food Powder!
- Do you want to build muscle?
- Do you want better muscle tone and definition?
- Or do you simply want to avoid the muscle breakdown that occurs with aging?

We have the Ultimate Muscle Food powder for you!
Muscle loss is a serious issue that not many people are aware of. When we lose muscle and strength, we not only lose our speed and agility with completing everyday activities, but it can also make us more likely to suffer from falls, injuries, bone loss, cognitive decline, increased insulin resistance and chronic diseases such as diabetes.
With the right fuel for muscles, we can prevent many of these diseases from taking place. Dr Cabot’s Ultimate Muscle Food powder provides the best form of fuel for preserving our muscles.
Muscle Food Powder contains pharmaceutical grade:
- Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) in a ratio of (2:1:1)
- L Glutamine
Each 5-gram serving provides:
- BCAA (2:1:1) 1750mg
- L Glutamine 1750mg
- HMB 500mg
Tastes great with a natural lime flavor!
Benefits of Ultimate Muscle Food Powder
- Better muscle strength and tone
- Muscle growth
- Quicker muscle repair after injury
- Quicker muscle recovery after joint replacement
- Improved sports and exercise performance
- Reduced muscle breakdown
- Less soreness after intense exercise

“You can’t make muscle if you don’t have the amino acids in your system to generate it.”
What are BCAA’s?
Branched Chain Amino Acids are essential amino acids for good health and include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids fuel the growth of protein in muscle and prevent muscle breakdown, preserving muscle mass. Building and maintaining lean body mass is essential for many groups of people, including those who exercise to keep fit, as well as men approaching the age of 50 and beyond, where muscle mass is on the decline.
Adults in general lose up to 8% of their muscle mass every decade after age 30—a loss that accelerates to around 10% after the age of 50. For women, research shows you can lose 10% of muscle mass during perimenopause alone, and late perimenopausal and postmenopausal women are overwhelmingly more likely to have sarcopenia (involuntary muscle loss) than premenopausal or early perimenopausal women. This is the result of oestrogen deficiency which is related to decreases in skeletal muscle mass and strength.
What is HMB?
HMB is β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate and is derived from leucine. Studies have suggested that HMB is an anabolic compound that increases muscle building after exercise and improves lean body mass, so it’s great for body sculpting!
What is L Glutamine?
Glutamine comprises around sixty percent (60%) of the total amino acids found in skeletal muscle tissue. Amazingly around a whopping 80% of the body’s total glutamine is found in the skeletal muscle. So, muscle health is vitally dependent on glutamine.
There are many situations where you may not be getting enough glutamine into your muscles such as reduced absorption due to poor gut health. Glutamine heals and soothes the gut and can increase your absorption of vital muscle nutrients.
Glutamine increases the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland and HGH is the primary anabolic hormone.
Description automatically generatedOvertraining is frequently associated with reduced availability of glutamine and decreased immune function. It can take 4 to 5 days to replenish glutamine in the muscles.

Causes of muscle loss and weakness
- Ageing causes sarcopenia (loss of muscle)
- A pile of powder on a grey surface
- Description automatically generated• Lack of exercise and sedentary occupation
- Protein deficient diet
- Malabsorption from gut and pancreas problems
- Arthritis
- Autoimmune diseases
- Cancer
- Thyroid problems
- Low testosterone
Benefits of higher muscle mass
- Easier weight control and higher metabolic rate
- Better strength
- Less risk of falls and bone fractures

What about Vegans?
BCAAs are extremely important for vegans as this group of people may find that getting essential amino acids from their diet can be difficult as they are mainly found in animal meats or dairy foods. Leucine is one of the essential amino acids which must be consumed in the diet as it is not made by the body. It is the main amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis for muscle building. The remaining two essential amino acids that make up our Muscle Food Powder are isoleucine and valine which help muscles to grow and maintain their size.
The best source of vegan BCAA is to supplement directly with our Muscle Food Powder which provides all three BCAAs along with glutamine and HMB and gives enough essential amino acids to help you make your daily targets in one serving.
How to take Ultimate Muscle Food
5 grams once or twice daily in water or juice before and/or after exercise. Elite athletes and bodybuilders may need to double this dose during phases of intense activity.
Ultimate Muscle Food can also be taken before bed to enhance sleep and promote muscle regeneration during sleep.

Cautions and contraindications.
Avoid in liver or kidney failure.
Decline in skeletal muscle mass is associated with cognitive decline in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
Volume 36, Issue 9, September 202
Menopause and the Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass in Women
Iran J Public Health. 2021 Feb; 50(2): 413–414. doi: 10.18502/ijph.v50i2.5362
The Role of Muscle Decline in Type 2 Diabetes Development: A 5-Year Prospective Observational Cohort Study
2019 Apr; 11(4): 834.
Published online 2019 Apr 12. doi: 10.3390/nu11040834