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So far Admin has created 654 blog entries.

I Lost 11 Kilos!

I am a lady in my late 40's and realise that the risk of having health problems as I get older, is increased because of being overweight. I decided to give Sandra Cabot's QuickLoss Meal Replacement a try. I am delighted to say that I have had a steady weight loss, and have now lost 11 kilograms.

The Healing Power of Mushrooms

There are many varieties of mushrooms- those growing from the ground that can be described as anything from tasty to trippy to downright and quite seriously deadly. Then there are your medicinal mushrooms- medicinal mushrooms predominantly grown from trees- although you still need caution in making sure you identify your mushroom before ingesting it.

A deep quick cleanse to rejuvenate your body

Today we cannot escape environmental toxins as they are increasingly in the air, water, soil and by extension, in the food we eat. Of course we can always grow some of our own food if we are lucky enough to have a backyard and use natural compost and fertilizers and I highly recommend this. Probably the most toxic thing that is happening to our planet is coal gas seam mining and horizontal drilling which is literally flooding our underground water channels with thousands of toxic chemicals.

Leaky gut worsens fatty liver

Research published in the June issue of the journal Hepatology has found patients with an advanced form of fatty liver are more likely to have increased intestinal permeability and bacterial overgrowth in their small intestine. The severity of these intestinal conditions correlates with the severity of fatty liver.

Is a lazy bowel letting you down?

A healthy bowel is essential for a healthy life. You can never really achieve optimal health if you have a sluggish or lazy bowel. Most people eat at least three times a day, therefore it is important to have between one and three thorough bowel movements each day. Having less frequent bowel movements is a sign that your liver and your metabolism in general are not functioning at an optimum level. It also means you will be reabsorbing toxins back into your bloodstream that your body is supposed to be eliminating.

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