Lymphoma Lymphoma is a type of cancer involving the white blood cells of the immune system called lymphocytes. This cancer originates in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is your [...]
Low Libido - Men And Women Low libido, or poor sex drive, is a common problem in both women and men. Loss of libido is about reduced sexual desire. The [...]
Liver Tumors (Cancer) Liver disease is serious and requires treatment and regular monitoring by a liver specialist. A liver specialist is known as a hepatologist and you need to be [...]
Liver Problems In Dogs, Cats And Horses Liver problems are common in domestic animals such as dogs, cats and horses. The same factors that stress the human liver can adversely [...]
Liver Problems In Pregnancy Liver disease is serious and requires treatment and regular monitoring by a liver specialist. A liver specialist is known as a hepatologist and you need to [...]
Liver Spots Liver spots are medically termed 'Lentigos" and are also known as age spots. They are sharply defined light brown to black flat patches of skin that appear on [...]
Liver Cysts A cyst is the medical term used to describe a space of roundish or sac-like shape in some part of the body. It may be empty or contain [...]
Liver Conditions Liver conditions are common worldwide and modern day integrative medicine has been able to give many people with liver disease, from hepatitis B and C, to autoimmune disease, [...]
Liver Biopsy Liver biopsy is the procedure where a needle is inserted through the abdominal wall into the liver to remove a tiny sample of the liver tissue. After the [...]