A supportive and well educated community where people have the confidence and knowledge to find the best health care.
Iodine – The Thyroid Mineral
Iodine - The Thyroid Mineral Iodine is an essential trace mineral and [...]
Lymphatic Body Type
Lymphatic Body Type In the lymphatic-shaped woman, fat is generally distributed [...]
Thyroid Body Type
Thyroid Body Type The thyroid body type has long, fine-boned limbs [...]
Gynaeoid Body Type
Gynaeoid Body Type The gynaeoid shape is the most common female [...]
Android Body Type
Android Body Type The classical android-shaped woman is rather square-shaped with [...]
Is An Imbalance In Your Sex Hormones Causing Your Excess Weight?
Is An Imbalance In Your Sex Hormones Causing Your Excess Weight? [...]
Magnesium – The Great Relaxer Mineral
Magnesium - The Great Relaxer Mineral Magnesium is required for optimal function [...]
Is Your Thyroid Gland Underactive?
Is Your Thyroid Gland Underactive? An underactive thyroid gland is a [...]
Could You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?
Could You Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) [...]
Methylation Can Keep Your Brain Healthy
Methylation Can Keep Your Brain Healthy Did you know you can keep [...]
How Healthy Is Your Liver?
How Healthy Is Your Liver? The most common causes of liver [...]
Selenium – The Great Protector Mineral
Selenium - The Great Protector Mineral Selenium is an essential trace mineral [...]