A supportive and well educated community where people have the confidence and knowledge to find the best health care.
Is an acidic diet compromising your health?
How acidic or alkaline our diet is can have a great impact [...]
Calcium Deficiency
Do you have three serves of dairy (or dairy-free equivalent) every single [...]
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and is [...]
Candida – what is it and what you can do about it
Candidiasis is any infection with the yeast candida (usually candida albicans). Areas [...]
Can I eat dairy products?
This is an individual matter as some people can eat dairy with [...]
What are allergies?
An allergic response is an inappropriate reaction (exaggerated response) of the body's [...]
Liver disease on the rise
More than 6 million Australians have liver disease and it’s costing the [...]
Is he summer heat leaving you puffy and bloated?
Fluid retention is a common symptom in women and is always worse in hot weather. Fluid retention is also known as oedema, and the most common areas of the body to be affected are the lower legs and ankles, hands, face (particularly under the eyes) and abdomen.
Choosing a liver tonic
Choosing a liver tonic When you have a fatty liver it is [...]
Mediterranean Pasta with Olives
Mediterranean Pasta with Olives Serves 4 500g gluten free pasta 1 fresh [...]
Low Carb Diets – Five Common Mistakes
Five common mistakes people make while following a low carb diet By [...]
Liver Function Tests
Blood tests for Liver Function Some of the standard or routine blood [...]