A supportive and well educated community where people have the confidence and knowledge to find the best health care.
Do You Think You Need A Detox?
Do You Think You Need A Detox? If you have been [...]
Focus On Your Breath And Relax
Focus On Your Breath And Relax If you live 70 years and [...]
Iodine – The Thyroid Mineral
Iodine - The Thyroid Mineral Iodine is an essential trace mineral and [...]
How To Improve Your Children’s Health
How To Improve Your Children's Health Dr Sandra Cabot interviews her [...]
QUIZ: Find Out Your Body Type
QUIZ: Find Out Your Body Type If this quiz has [...]
Where Does The King Frog Hide? – An Interview With The Author
Where Does The King Frog Hide? - An Interview With The [...]
Lymphatic Body Type
Lymphatic Body Type In the lymphatic-shaped woman, fat is generally distributed [...]
Thyroid Body Type
Thyroid Body Type The thyroid body type has long, fine-boned limbs [...]
Gynaeoid Body Type
Gynaeoid Body Type The gynaeoid shape is the most common female [...]
Android Body Type
Android Body Type The classical android-shaped woman is rather square-shaped with [...]
QUIZ: Is an imbalance in your sex hormones causing your excess weight?
QUIZ: Is An Imbalance In Your Sex Hormones Causing Your Excess Weight? [...]
Is An Imbalance In Your Sex Hormones Causing Your Excess Weight?
Is An Imbalance In Your Sex Hormones Causing Your Excess Weight? [...]