


A supportive and well educated community where people have the confidence and knowledge to find the best health care.


Why Do You Need Thin Blood?

July 19th, 2013|

We know that people with thick sticky blood have a much higher chance of strokes, heart attacks and high blood pressure. These things often happen when you are still relatively young, say in your forties and fifties. This is a well known fact and has lead to the widespread use of daily aspirin to thin the blood. However, recently this practice has been called into question by the results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA 2012; 307:2286-94.

Turmeric – The Miracle Spice

July 19th, 2013|

Turmeric is a plant which is part of the ginger family. This orange coloured spice is considered by many in the know to be one of the best foods (or supplements) that you can consume for good health. Common in Middle Eastern and South Asia, turmeric has been used as a staple in many recipes for thousands of years.

Want to Look Great?

July 19th, 2013|

If we are overweight, our body will produce more inflammation thus speeding up ageing. If our blood stream contains excess toxins and unhealthy cells our body will produce more free radicals, which damage our healthy cells and speed up ageing. Free radicals can attack the skin cells and collagen producing wrinkles and blemishes.

The Six Best Foods for Your Liver

July 19th, 2013|

Your liver is the largest internal organ in your body. Your body relies on your liver to perform many vital functions. Looking after your liver is vitally important if you want a long and healthy life. The food you eat each day can have a beneficial or harmful effect on your liver.

Superfoods – Not All Foods Are Created Equal!

July 19th, 2013|

Far better that you eat your broccoli than your beans, healthier to snack on an orange than an apple (yes, despite the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”) and, even though they are cousins, garlic is far superior than onions or shallots as far as nutritional value. When compared to an apple, an orange has ten times more vitamin C and beta-carotene, a massive 40 times more folate and 4 times more thiamin.

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