Intravenous Infusions For Better Health
Are you recovering from illness, infection, chemotherapy, surgery or just feeling run down? Intravenous infusions and vitamin injections can speed the healing process, strengthen your immune system and rejuvenate you.
There are health problems that respond much better and quicker to intravenous infusions than oral supplementation. Infusions work very quickly, giving obvious results because they go directly into the bloodstream.
Intravenous infusions are a powerful immune system booster with antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They help the body recover from infection (both chronic and acute), unwanted inflammation, chronic fatigue and with post-surgical and post-chemotherapy healing.
Who can benefit?
The problems that can be benefitted from intravenous infusions are:
- Iron deficiency
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Acute labyrinthitis – vertigo associated with vomiting
- Lyme disease
- Migraine headaches – especially severe and recurrent or long lasting
- Cluster headaches
- Neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease
- Detoxification from pesticides and heavy metals
- Autoimmune problems
- Liver and gut problems
- Infections
The following medications available by intravenous infusion:
- Iron – FERINJECT for those with chronic and severe iron deficiency
- B vitamins
The antioxidants
- Vitamin C, glutathione and lipoic acid
Increasing your intake of nutrients by eating better or by taking oral supplements can lead to better health, however not all of the required vitamins and minerals may actually penetrate into the blood. There may not be enough of the essential nutrients and antioxidants that are needed during illness, high stress or for a person who is recovering from chemotherapy or surgery. An intravenous infusion goes directly into your bloodstream, where all of the nutrients can be readily absorbed by your cells to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation.
The powerful mixture of nutrients and antioxidants are delivered straight into your bloodstream using the Intravenous Therapy (IV) delivery method. There is no downtime and you are able to resume your normal activities right away.
Which vitamins are included in the drip? Intravenous vitamins and glutathione are made by Biological Therapies, which is an Australian-owned company and fully licenced with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) to manufacture and provide a comprehensive range of the highest quality, sterile injectable products.
Treatments can be tailored to meet your individual needs:
- Vitamin C (15 to 30 g)
- Vitamin B group
- Strong antioxidants such as glutathione, which cannot be absorbed efficiently from the gut. Glutathione is the most powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing antioxidant in the body
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – Great liver detoxifier and helps neurological problems
- Vitamin D3 – 600,000 IU intramuscular injection into buttocks, given twice a year for healthy bones and immunity
- Iron infusions to rapidly replenish the oxygen-carrying capacity of your red blood cells
How do you feel after an intravenous drip?
You may feel a warm feeling throughout your body, as you have the intravenous drip. Some people may develop flu-like symptoms for a few hours after the treatment. Allergic reactions are very rare.
Are vitamin injections popular?
Intravenous therapy is fast becoming one of the biggest health trends in modern nutritional medicine. The desire to live the healthiest and longest life possible has inspired everyday people to celebrities such as Madonna, Rhianna, Cindy Crawford and Simon Cowell to reveal they use vitamin infusion injections to maintain their young looks and the super human demands of being a celebrity.
How often do I need an infusion?
It depends upon the reason you are having the infusion.
Iron infusions can last 4 months or much longer, if the cause of iron deficiency is diagnosed and treated.
Glutathione and vitamin C can be needed from only once, to weekly for 4 to 6 weeks until you are recovered from the stress event on your body. Some people have them every 2 weeks or monthly, as they find this is enough to rejuvenate them.
How much does an intravenous vitamin infusion cost?
The cost will vary from $120 to $500, depending on your needs.
Iron infusions
FERINJECT is an intravenous iron preparation, a medicine that is used in the treatment of iron deficiency conditions. It contains iron in the form of ferric carboxymaltose, an iron carbohydrate compound. Iron is an essential element required for the oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin in red blood cells and of myoglobin in muscle tissue.
FERINJECT is used for the treatment of patients with iron deficiency, when oral iron preparations are ineffective or cannot be used. The aim of the therapy is to replenish body iron stores and to remedy anaemia, a reduced level of haemoglobin due to iron deficiency.
Before administration, a blood test is needed to calculate the dose of FERINJECT you require.
FERINJECT intravenous doses:
- Injection – you may receive up to 20 mL of FERINJECT, corresponding to 1000 mg of iron, every 4 months.
- Infusion – you may receive up to 20 mL of FERINJECT, corresponding to 1000 mg of iron, every 4 months. Because FERINJECT is diluted with sodium chloride solution for the infusion, it may have a volume of up to 250 mL and appear as a brown solution.
Some people only require 500 mg and blood tests for iron studies will determine the appropriate dose and choosing the method, frequency and duration of your treatment.
FERINJECT will be administered in a setting where possible allergic reactions can receive appropriate and prompt treatment. You will be observed for about 30 minutes by your doctor or nurse after each administration.
Many women are low in iron and suffer chronic fatigue because of this. The most common causes of iron deficiency are:
- Progesterone deficiency causing heavy menstrual bleeding and this should be investigated and often times can be controlled by using a natural progesterone treatment
- Poor iron-deficient diet
- Intestinal malabsorption caused by food intolerances or dysbiosis or sleeve gastrectomy weight loss surgery
For more information call 02 4655 4666 or email
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